Illumine Life is a community of support.

Illumine Life offers a series of programs and exercises that invite you to begin a process of self inquiry. Please clickon "Learn more" to discover more about our work. This site is free to you, you have only to gain by exploring its constituency.

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Illumine Life is a free service.

We have a regular rotation of authors, specialists and personalities who will contribute content to this site. If Illumine Life deems the outside contributor’s work to be relevant to the goals and ideas of our core principals, we will encourage you to explore their work and ideas.

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Illumine Life is a vehicle for transformation.

Illumine Life is a wholly unique system designed to assist persons seeking to engage in transformative processes. The transformative process can be defined as a reciprocation of inquiry, self awareness and discovery by way of inquiry and using that self awareness to loosen the apprehension of belief in one's narrative of the self and the perceived contents of the world.

Our program focuses on simple, easy to use, audio only listening exercises and mindfulness sessions. We stay away from the invocation of mysticism and the supernatural. We also work diligently to avoid sciencey jargon, mystical escapism and appeals to authority.

Ours is a simple program that is only concerned with supporting you with the foundational systems of discipline and awareness for and of the self as it relates to the world at large.   


Our system begins with exercises to help you better lens your interaction with the environment.


We support you in achieving mastery of your interaction with the world and the role you play in that world.


Transformation support helps you identify the narrative you script for your life and whether you can create a more authentic identity for yourself.


We are a community of support that is there for you to offer you an environment to grow and expand the best possible expression of your true self.

We support, you do the work.

This is a collaborative effort. It is your efforts and determination that will be the indicator of your success with this program. Our methods of support are active and engaging. We can also personalize your support beyond the programs created for all of our subscribers. We currently have over 50 hours of programs available in 13 distinct modules to assist you in your transformative process.

Insight into Illumine Life.

We chose to be an advertisement free program. We feel that in staying away from advertisers, you the subscriber will receive and use content that is not influenced by advertising money. We want you to trust the services we offer and know that we have no obligation to anyone other than the subscriber. We offer content from a variety of perspectives from both our staff as well as guest writers and authors. We are fully committed to your transformation and growth.


Our methods of support are active and engaging.


Illumine Life is a free service. We ask that if you found value in this service, that you leave a donation for us to use to continue providing new and novel content. Our goal in running this project is to help our subscribers achieve results, to transform them into a greater expression of themselves.

Illumine Life is 24/7 support for assisting you in the process of personal transformation. We operate from thought systems that are intended to help people strike a balance between belief and inquiry. We work to help the subscriber realize a transjective relationship with what we call reality.   It is this transctive nature of percepion that we engage with to gently assist you with your transformation.

Keep in touch

We encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have regarding our services. Feel free to explore our YouTube Channel as well! Illumine Life on YouTube